Add a Job to TestGrid
How to add a new job to a TestGrid page and how this designation relates to release gating configuration.
How to add a new job to a TestGrid page and how this designation relates to release gating configuration.
How to add a cluster profile to the test platform.
How to add security scanning to gate PR merging.
How to self-service manage secret data provided to jobs during execution.
How to contribute or change the content of the step registry.
How to configure capabilities to trigger the job on a specified cluster
How to self-service contribute or change configuration for jobs or the broader CI system.
How to create a cluster pool from which a job can claim a cluster.
How to use existing functionalities to create a simple 2-stage pipeline
How to interact with the CI image registries, set up service account access and interact with images for a specific job.
How to interact with jobs currently running on the CI cluster for your pull requests.
How to self-service migrate jobs from using the deprecated Template approach to the multi-stage system.
How to mirror an image built in the CI system out to an external registry.
Configure ci-operator to build container images and run tests across multiple CPU architectures
Testing changes from multiple pull requests
How to name your CI job.
How to onboard a new component repository to the CI system for testing and merge automation.
How and when to override a failing CI job in order to allow a pullrequest to merge
Configure open PR review request reminders for yourself and your team for the repositories you care about
How to set up RBACs on CI clusters.
How to set up alerting to Slack for a CI job.
How to configure tests for a component that is deployed as an operator through OLM.
How to interact with the REST interface to run jobs and get information about results.
How to mirror external images to the CI environments for use in jobs.
How to investigate the execution and outcome of a CI job using the artifacts directory.