Config Resolver

A description of the ci-operator-configresolver service.

ci-operator-configresolver (abbreviated as configresolver in this document) is a web server which provides configuration files as input for ci-operator processes executed by CI jobs.

It is currently deployed in the ci namespace of the cluster and serves requests based on its own view of the latest version of files from the following directories in openshift/release:

Its main purpose is so that Prow jobs executing ci-operator do not need to mount the configuration files themselves. A ci-operator process can simply make a request to the server to get the current test configuration for a given repository in a form that is readily processable:

$ curl -sS '' | head -n 7
  "zz_generated_metadata": {
    "org": "openshift",
    "repo": "ci-tools",
    "branch": "master"
  "base_images": {

This is the default mode of ci-operator if no explicit input is given, as can be seen in the output log:

$ export JOB_SPEC='…'
$ ci-operator |& head -n 2
INFO[2022-03-08T14:20:18Z] unset version 0
INFO[2022-03-08T14:20:18Z] Loading configuration from for openshift/ci-tools@master

The request is based on the information in JOB_SPEC, which is a JSON object containing information about the event that triggered the job (e.g. a pull request) and is normally supplied by Prow at runtime, as described in the documentation. The mapping from the log output to the URL requested is trivial, but also displayed in the debug log:

2022/03/08 14:20:18 [DEBUG] GET

The configuration file contained in the response is not exactly the same as the one contained in the openshift/release repository. It goes through a process called configuration resolution (one of the reasons for the name of the service), where multi-stage tests are expanded such that the shared definitions in the step registry are incorporated to form the complete test definition ultimately used by ci-operator.

In addition to /config, two other specialized endpoints are provided:

  • /resolve is used when ci-operator receives an unresolved configuration as input, either via the UNRESOLVED_CONFIG environment variable or the --unresolved-config parameter. In this case, the input configuration is POSTed instead of read from the configresolver cache, but configuration resolution occurs normally and the resolved configuration is sent back to the client.
  • /configWithInjectedTest is used in the implementation of payload testing. It receives as input the names of a target ci-operator configuration and a source configuration/test pair and returns the target configuration with all the modifications required for it to execute the specified test.

Step registry UI

A secondary function of the configresolver program is to serve the web interface at, which contains:


Currently, the contents of the openshift/release repository are provided to the configresolver instances via a local git-sync container. The process by which the content that is served is updated is:

  1. A pull request is merged in openshift/release.
  2. git-sync performs its update cycle, notices the new revision, and updates the local clone and the symlink to it.
  3. The configresolver monitors changes to the volume mount directories using inotify(7).
  4. The change event from the agent triggers a configuration reload, which reads the new contents of the files.
  5. New requests will now serve the new contents.

Note that, as described, this setup suffers from all the issues identified in the configuration updates section. In addition, because two independent configuration agents are involved (one for the ci-operator configuration, another for the step registry), the configuration reload is ultimately not atomic, even though the file system update is.

Last modified February 15, 2023: Move "internals" to its own section (0519cd5)