Risk Analysis

Overview of Test Failure Risk Analysis.


In an effort to raise awareness for potential regressions, tooling to analyze the overall risk for individual test failures has been created. Risk Analysis compares failed tests against the historical results of similar periodics and ranks the ‘Risk of Regression’ based on the previous results. It does not analyze the code changed in a PR or payload. It does consider the historical pass rate for failed tests and provides a ranking based on that pass rate. The motivation for the tooling is to help raise awareness for test failures that historically are considered stable and are worth an additional review when failures are encountered.

Analyzing Risk of Test Failures

Risk Analysis takes a closer look within jobs at the individual tests. A job that is not required for presubmits or may fail more frequently than others can still provide signal for potential regression if a test, or tests, that regularly succeed start to show failures.

As e2e tests complete, origin based test failures are summarized for later evaluation. When openshift-e2e-test jobs complete the summaries are passed to Sippy for analysis.

The test failures are submitted to Sippy along with metadata about the job itself. That data is used to find matching jobs within Sippy and analyze the historical pass rates, typically over a 7 to 14 day period. The higher the historical pass rate the higher the potential risk of regression.

Historical Pass Rate %Risk Analysis Ranking
100 - 98High
97 - 80Medium
< 80Low

Prow Job Artifacts

Artifacts are created under the e2e test junit directory like test-failures-summary_20230706-065159.json and the final analysis test-risk-analysis.html. When available, the test-risk-analysis.html summarization will show in the prow job spyglass view under the Risk Analysis heading. The view will show the Test Name, Risk Level, Risk Reason and Open Bugs. At the top of the table the Test Name Overall will show the highest risk value. The Open Bugs are listed to surface any known issues with the test that may be impacting the results. Additionally, a link to Sippy is provided at the top of the section to aid in further investigation. If your job is not run by a step that includes the Risk Analysis artifacts generation, or the junits fail to run, the Risk Analysis artifacts will not be present.

Link to Sippy

Test NameRisk LevelRisk ReasonOpen Bugs
OverallHighMaximum failed test risk: High
[bz-DNS][invariant] alert/KubePodNotReady should not be at or above info in ns/openshift-dnsHighThis test has passed 100.00% of 928 runs on jobs [‘periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.14-upgrade-from-stable-4.13-e2e-azure-sdn-upgrade’] in the last 14 days.

If there are too many test failures the Overall Risk Level will be High with a message showing the number of failed tests.

Test NameRisk LevelRisk ReasonOpen Bugs
OverallHigh53 tests failed in this run: High

If there are too few tests run, compared to historical runs, a message indicating IncompleteTests will be shown.

Test NameRisk LevelRisk ReasonOpen Bugs
OverallHighTests for this run (47) are below the historical average (1432): IncompleteTests

PR Commenting

For repos with Risk Analysis PR commenting enabled, a comment will be added to the PR ranking the failure risk for each job with an associated risk once all of the current jobs complete.
The comment contains the sha that is associated with the job runs and lists the Job Names (as a link to the job run results) ranking them by Failure Risk from high to low. Each job row will contain the test failures that match the overall risk level for that job, the risk reason for each test failure and any known bugs associated with the test.

In an effort to reduce flagging flaky tests, PR Commenting will only include tests that have failed in consecutive jobs.

Job Failure Risk Analysis for sha: 79d237196d93eb92ed58c66497d8718259264226

Job NameFailure Risk
[sig-api-machinery] disruption/cache-oauth-api connection/reused should be available throughout the test:
This test has passed 99.88% of 827 runs on jobs [‘periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-nightly-4.14-e2e-gcp-ovn-upgrade’ ‘periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.14-e2e-gcp-ovn-upgrade’] in the last 14 days.
[sig-network][Feature:vlan] should create pingable pods with macvlan interface on an in-container master [apigroup:k8s.cni.cncf.io] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]:
This test has passed 72.09% of 43 runs on jobs [‘periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-nightly-4.14-e2e-metal-ipi-ovn-ipv6’] in the last 14 days.

[sig-cli] oc idle [apigroup:apps.openshift.io][apigroup:route.openshift.io][apigroup:project.openshift.io][apigroup:image.openshift.io] by name [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]:
This test has passed 72.09% of 43 runs on jobs [‘periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-nightly-4.14-e2e-metal-ipi-ovn-ipv6’] in the last 14 days.

Open Bugs

[sig-network][Feature:tuning] pod should start with all sysctl on whitelist [apigroup:k8s.cni.cncf.io] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]:
This test has passed 72.09% of 43 runs on jobs [‘periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-nightly-4.14-e2e-metal-ipi-ovn-ipv6’] in the last 14 days.

[sig-network][Feature:bond] should create a pod with bond interface [apigroup:k8s.cni.cncf.io] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]:
This test has passed 72.09% of 43 runs on jobs [‘periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-nightly-4.14-e2e-metal-ipi-ovn-ipv6’] in the last 14 days.

The job name links can be used to review the failures to further analyze if the changes within the PR might be impacting the test failures.

How to use Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis is not intended to indicate a particular code change or set of code changes is the source of regression, it is intended to raise awareness that the risk of regression may be elevated based on the failures of tests that consistently pass at a high rate. You can use Risk Analysis as a guide to identify jobs to investigate closer to see if the failures may be related to recent changes.